What if you could

never hire a toxic leader

ever again?

It's easy to get fooled during the recruitment process and hire someone who will destroy your team culture and drive out your best & brightest.

Avoid that costly mistake. Hire with Greatvine Insights.

Learn about your candidates' values and behaviours from former colleagues, and hire with confidence a leader who boosts culture and retains talent.

 Before you interview, get insights on your candidates!

“We wasted weeks assessing this candidate for a senior role. When we heard from former colleagues, we knew they were not the right hire”. (FinTech CEO)
"The ability to screen out potentially toxic people before they even set foot in our business: that's gold!” (Strategic Workforce Manager)

Contact us to hear more

Toxic leaders are great

(at fooling you)

One bad leader hire costs

Months of pain

It starts well. Then you realise.

The mess. The stress. The HR headaches.

Thousands to fix

When the dust settles, the bill comes.

Re-recruiting costs. Bad investment losses.

The human & financial cost is huge.

We're here to stop it.

It's never been easier to avoid a toxic hire.

2 minutes

to request insights

Our system integrates with your existing recruitment process.

All you need to do is complete a short request form to provide your candidates' details and tell us when you need insights back to prepare for interviews (minimum 2 days lead time).

$ 299

to access a report

Our reports provide a 360 view of your candidates: hear from former managers, peers and subordinates.

You only pay for results. Before you interview your candidate, we notify you if we have insights ready for you.

You just need a credit card to access reports and de-risk your recruitment decisions.

De-risk your next leadership hire in 2 minutes

Greatvine gives you insights on values that matter

Pyschological safety


Humility & recognising others


Providing autonomy & support

so you can interview candidates with your eyes wide open.

You can spend hours vetting candidates to get a “feel” for them…

and still get it wrong.

Can your gut really tell you if a candidate lives the values that drive great leadership?

We get insights from those who had years to see your candidates' values in action.

Do more than avoid the worst

Greatvine helps you uncover great leaders!

Hire the hidden gems who will boost your team.


Revenue boost in 10 years from positive work culture


Retention improvement from having good leaders

Great leaders can be very humble and not interview well.

With Greatvine, you step into interviews knowing about each candidate's track record, as told by others.

Don't mistake confidence for competence.

How does it work?

Do you believe workplaces should be led by great humans?

Tell us about your best and worst leaders in our anonymous survey.

Fill out our 5-minute survey